Thursday, July 05, 2007


Happy Independent Nation Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and remembered the sacrifice of our forefathers so that we can live in one of the greatest countries in the world. I hope everyone enjoyed their rights and freedoms as well.

Transformers (which I just realized is Paramount which is Viacom of which my grandfather owns stock) had the biggest Tuesday in movie history. Of course what other big budget studio films have been released on Tuesdays? I still refuse to see it in protest against Michael Bay. I just know it won't live up to my childhood dreams but if you saw it and liked it, I'm glad.

We had some people over and ate and played Wii and watched some South Park. Protege and fiance brought over a couscous chicken salad and a shrimp avocado salad that were both phenomenal. Subaru and wife brought apple pie, ice cream and chips and dip. We made sangria, ribs and I whipped up some chicken real quick. I might've been the only person to eat the chicken which is fine with me cuz I loved it.

I'm almost positive now that it's our wireless adapter that is preventing us from using the internet. Both our Wii and the departmental laptop can connect wirelessly through our neighbor's internet but our PC can't. Current course of action is to get a new wireless adapter from Best Buy or the like and see if that fixes it. Then we can start splitting the wireless bill with our neighbor.

Also if you have a Wii and would like to be friends and send messages and whatever else the magical Wii can do, send me an email with your Wii code and I'll add you and we can hang out.

Isn't there a Wii web browser? I'll have to fix my blog so that it is Wii-friendly now that I can check it out and see if it works.

Off to work. J flies out tomorrow to visit a friend in DC so it'll be me and the cats this weekend.

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