Tuesday, August 31, 2004


It's blog, it's blog, it's better than bad, it's good!

That is the Log song from The Ren & Stimpy Show for those not in the know, slightly modified of course.

I like blogging before I read everyone else's blog because then my mind isn't tainted, in a good way, with the ideas from your posts and it's all me. Or mostly me.

I realized this morning that this is becoming more of a social commentary/random 'Seth' thought (hehehehe, thanks team for those) than a diary of occurrences in my life; basically because nothing really exciting happens in my everyday life. Or at least stuff that no one would want to read about, even me.

Bad news, Henry has fleas! More info on Henry can be found here Best Hamster EVER!
But apparently all the freakin dirty dogs in the neighborhood have fleas and they migrated into our house and landed on Henry! Arrrrrrrgh!

He has flea poo all on his back, so we're giving him a bath tonight and putting some flea powder in his bedding, and we also might have to fog our apartment, which is probably a good idea anyway considering all the spiders, scorpions, and gigantic ants we've had in our apartment. Aren't ground floor apartments next to the woods great? Damn bugs, keep out of our house and off our hamster!


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