Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Is it possible to fix government?

That's the current topic of discussion at which "presents focused discussions by experts on the most important domestic topics shaping American society today." Just take a look at who they have participating in this discussion. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of NYC, Mayor Shirley Franklin of Atlanta (who sounds incredibly smart and ambitious so good on you ATL for electing her), David Walker, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, and many others.

Philip Howard is the moderator and is the founder and chair of Common Good, whose goal is to bring common sense back into America. He proposes to do this by reforming the legal system and restoring our sense of personal responsibility. I now plan to read his book "The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America".

Please, join in the discussion, make your voice heard, and together we can fix America's government!

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