Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Worst Mayor in America

This one is for you Icedtrip.

This was brought to my attention by Cynical Chris.

Just a few lowlights and then the link.

• He once stopped a school bus on a busy interstate because he “needed a hug” from the kids inside.

• He’s been known to strap weapons to his chest and leg that he has no authority to carry or conceal, then wear them in public.

• He regularly suits up and leads SWAT-style “raids” on homes, businesses, and even roadblocks in busy traffic—without cause or a warrant.

• He has tried to close down the city’s strip clubs for moral reasons, despite no authority to do so.

• He once bulldozed an elderly woman’s house, promising to build her a better one. He then forgot to build it.

Take a read for yourself of Frank Melton, mayor of Jackson, Mississippi By Donna Ladd for reason.com



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