Monday, June 05, 2006


It's a small world afterall

The last time I actually rode that ride was almost ten years ago.

So we're down in Orlando (aka O-town). Mostly wedding stuff. Arrived midnight:30 on Friday. Saturday consisted of sleeping in, meeting with a florist where I met a lovely orange cat named Sam who also wears a harness because he has a penchant for dashing outside and hiding under cars, pretty flowers too and if we go with her we get to special order flowers from Holland! I feel so worldly. (Please excuse all grammatical errors in the previous sentence) After that went over to a friend's house for a Mom/Brother joint B'day Bash. It was fun but the brother kept yelling at his 2 yr. old niece and everyone else for that matter. J told me afterwards that that's how he's always been. Yikes.

The aforementioned niece is an okay kid. She is starting to speak (I got her to say puhple) and is generally a sponge. I've always hated baby talk and have refused to do it, so when we were sort of going over the alphabet I said I like ice cream, intruder and insipid. It was insipid that caught everyone's attention. I'm just trying to expose the kid to new words here people. But they always say how good I am with her and I'll make a good father one day (awwww). This really confused me so I had J get to the bottom of it. Apparently it's mostly because I actually pay attention to her and am patient. She actually started screaming NO at me at one point during the magnadoodling, so I wrote down "NO" and explained to her that the spoken language corresponds to the written language. Screaming NO is the same as the written NO, albeit more emotion involved. She then got distracted and stopped yelling at me. And I only see the kid for 6-7 hours every 6 months, if that, so why should I not be patient and attentive? It's being around the kid constantly and actually being responsible for it that determines if you'll be a good parent or not.

I've been stuck at the UCF library for the past 6 hours (no house key and I had to leave the house) and I actually did some work! But J just called and said they're home, so I have to go see if I can remember where the car is and how I got here. Wish me luck. (Suburban Orlando looks the same everywhere, but Target is 2 minutes away!)


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