Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Homer J. Simpson

Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. -Homer J.

From a modern day philosopher. Thanks Matt Groening for bringing him into our lives.

The elevator smelled like Cocoa Puffs this morning, before you add the milk.

I think it's the Netherlands, but they just enacted laws that make it illegal to abandon pets, and you have to walk your dog at least 3 times/day. From The Week

As I rode the bus to work, I couldn't help but think about Rosa Parks. And that got me thinking about how I would've acted in Alabama in the 40s and 50s. Assuming I would've had the same life experiences, I'm sure I wouldn't have thought blacks were any different than whites, despite what alot of people thought and unfortunately, still do think. I wouldn't have expected someone to give up their seat for me, based solely on the color of their skin.

But on the other hand, you never know. Mob mentality is a strong phenomena. And 300+ years of racism against blacks is a big thing to overcome. I'm fairly certain that my parents would've taught me that we are all equal in The Creator's eyes. But would I have done anything to stop the racism? Do I do anything today?

Enough introspection, I have work to do. And I'll get my FOUND object up today too. In fact, I'll go do that right now.


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