Friday, October 14, 2005


He's OK!

Just got back from Redfern, or Deadfern as it is lovingly dubbed. They took a quick complete blood count on their CBC made by Beckman Coulter and it looks like:

which is the COULTER® Ac·T™ 5diff CP (Cap Pierce)

But he said it was a basic orthostatic hypotension.

From what the doc told me and what those websites told me, basically I just had a big meal and a big drink and all the blood was in my belly trying to digest and then I stood up and my body revolted.

"Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed when symptoms suggestive of hypotension and a marked reduction in measured BP are provoked by standing and relieved by lying down."

Hey! That's what I had! So basically I'm a spaz and didn't drink enough water yesterday and then drank and had a big meal. Oops.

The doc kinda scared me. Once he had the bloodwork back he said "This isn't a good blood count." WTF? You're scaring me with this pause that is too long. "It's a perfect blood count." Oh. Um, don't do that. I'm okay with "good" bloodwork. I don't need the word "perfect" to feel good about my health. This is the first doctor visit I've had in 5 years and that makes me feel good about my health, thank you.

But aside from the dramatic pause and the small amount of blood drawn for the CBC to do its job, everything went smoothly. I'm off to get a drink of water.


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