Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Gate to Women's Country

I finished it yesterday. It was written by Sheri S. Tepper. It was really quite good. So I picked up the other Tepper title our library had, "Grass" not to be confused with the documentary, narrated by Woody Harrelson, of the same name.

"Gate to Women's Country" was set in the future, after the near extinction of the human race. The few remaining cities are made up of women and non-military men inside the city walls, and the warriors who live outside the walls and protect the cities. It was really really good and would recommend it to anyone.

Her writings about both of the sexes are great and very poignant. I don't want to give too much away, in case someone wants to read it, so I'll stop there.

We've been selling lab supplies to the undergrad chemistry students all week, and have made some cashmoney. So once we get it all straightened out, we're going to get our sweet ass EZ-Up. I'll take a picture of it in all its glory. It should be a wonderful addition to the random assortment of crap the CGSO has accumulated.

We added another group motto yesterday, "Your products aren't doing any good by sitting in petri dishes." That one isn't as universal as our other which is:
"False hope is better than no hope at all."

Merry Tuesday!


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