Wednesday, September 21, 2005


The end is nigh

So Rita is now a Cat. 5 hurricane.

So let's do a little history:
The three Category 5 storms to hit the USA were the 1935 Florida Keys "Labor Day" hurricane, Hurricane Camille, which hit Mississippi in 1969, and Hurricane Andrew, which hit Dade County, Fla., on Aug. 24, 1992.

From this website.

So that's roughly 30 years in between the storms.

And now that has been reduced to 2 months. As mediocre a movie as Day After Tomorrow was, it made a very good point.

Our planet's weather system is very good at balancing itself out. And now we get 2 Cat. 5's in 2 months. I think the environment is trying to tell us something. And maybe Bush should've signed The Kyoto Protocol.

Or maybe I should start buying land in middle GA or SC, since that will become beachfront property soon.


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