Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Longing and despair
I am utterly alone. (Movie quote, written actually and then crumpled up. Said by a shoplifter/actress)
Joan left me yesterday. She packed up her things and left. I don't know what to do with myself. There are clothes on the floor. I need to vacuum. There are week old dishes in the sink (only 2 though). Shit, I forgot to feed the cats. I'll go shopping for lunch and then go home and feed them. So I'm left with an apartment and 2 crazy cats.
They're so vocal. If they had one of those things that deciphers barks into speech but for cats, I'm sure I would have to talk J out of getting it. They really do talk alot. And alot of it is to themselves. They like to talk when they're using the bathroom, playing with toys, jumping onto our bed. They talk to each other alot too. Sometimes it sounds like chirping and other times it's meowing. Good 'ol Julio and Leon. I was walking them on their leashes yesterday and thought I was gonna have to break up a fight between them and Tiger, whose owner lives upstairs but he pretty much lives outside and he isn't neutered, BAD CAT OWNER! Tiger actually kind of looks like Julio and Leon's father, orange stripes, but Tiger is a little bigger.
The beach was amazing! I still can't believe J didn't want to go. What a freak. But we arrived Friday evening, saw the house, unloaded cars, ate and then drank alot and played card games at the house. There were 10 of us and the house was 6 bedrooms with 10 beds of various sizes. So there were still spare beds even with 10 people. Yes some were couples so they only took up one bed for two people, but we still had sleeping room. I, knowing my pansyness, did not drink a whole lot on Fri. night, so J and I woke up and went running on the beach at 8 am. It was overcast and looked like it was going to be dark and stormy all day, but luckily after everyone woke up and we made breakfast, eggs, bacon and orange rolls, the sun came out and we got in a very good day of sunny beach time. And there were even some waves that we could body surf. I love just being in the ocean and bobbing up and down with the waves. So peaceful.
I religiously applied sunscreen but still got some sun on my face and I forgot my chest so that is a little crispy but after last weeks fake and bake burn, most everything else tanned fairly well, so good sun-day as well. And the hose in the yard never tasted or felt so good after being in the ocean for 4 hours. I think my lips almost turned inside out they were so dry.
Oh yeah, J just went to Orlando for a week. She gets back next week at 11:30 pm on Tues. and classes start Wed. Her one request was that the house is not in shambles when she gets back. I was also considering taking the cats to meet her at the airport, but I'm not sure that's a great idea considering that farthest they have been in a car is to the vet. But if we're going to take them on trips, they need to learn how to be car cats I suppose.
Joan left me yesterday. She packed up her things and left. I don't know what to do with myself. There are clothes on the floor. I need to vacuum. There are week old dishes in the sink (only 2 though). Shit, I forgot to feed the cats. I'll go shopping for lunch and then go home and feed them. So I'm left with an apartment and 2 crazy cats.
They're so vocal. If they had one of those things that deciphers barks into speech but for cats, I'm sure I would have to talk J out of getting it. They really do talk alot. And alot of it is to themselves. They like to talk when they're using the bathroom, playing with toys, jumping onto our bed. They talk to each other alot too. Sometimes it sounds like chirping and other times it's meowing. Good 'ol Julio and Leon. I was walking them on their leashes yesterday and thought I was gonna have to break up a fight between them and Tiger, whose owner lives upstairs but he pretty much lives outside and he isn't neutered, BAD CAT OWNER! Tiger actually kind of looks like Julio and Leon's father, orange stripes, but Tiger is a little bigger.
The beach was amazing! I still can't believe J didn't want to go. What a freak. But we arrived Friday evening, saw the house, unloaded cars, ate and then drank alot and played card games at the house. There were 10 of us and the house was 6 bedrooms with 10 beds of various sizes. So there were still spare beds even with 10 people. Yes some were couples so they only took up one bed for two people, but we still had sleeping room. I, knowing my pansyness, did not drink a whole lot on Fri. night, so J and I woke up and went running on the beach at 8 am. It was overcast and looked like it was going to be dark and stormy all day, but luckily after everyone woke up and we made breakfast, eggs, bacon and orange rolls, the sun came out and we got in a very good day of sunny beach time. And there were even some waves that we could body surf. I love just being in the ocean and bobbing up and down with the waves. So peaceful.
I religiously applied sunscreen but still got some sun on my face and I forgot my chest so that is a little crispy but after last weeks fake and bake burn, most everything else tanned fairly well, so good sun-day as well. And the hose in the yard never tasted or felt so good after being in the ocean for 4 hours. I think my lips almost turned inside out they were so dry.
Oh yeah, J just went to Orlando for a week. She gets back next week at 11:30 pm on Tues. and classes start Wed. Her one request was that the house is not in shambles when she gets back. I was also considering taking the cats to meet her at the airport, but I'm not sure that's a great idea considering that farthest they have been in a car is to the vet. But if we're going to take them on trips, they need to learn how to be car cats I suppose.

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