Monday, August 01, 2005


Eggcelent post

If you haven't read it, head on over to Rob's blog. He has recently exploded and even took off his comments because of the "haters". But he did a post last week, which is still up and can be found right here, on what it takes to build a popular blog.

He lists 8 topics, of which I think I follow 1, maybe 2, but as he states, he isn't the end all blog, but it is exceptionally well written and always entertaining. Unless he doesn't post, then it's sad.

But one thing he suggests is to find a niche and stick with it. Nazi transexual dwarf, juggling hippo tamer, wine snob Hell's Angel, etc... He has the articulate bouncer blog down cold, and is probably the only one that well written. I suppose that my niche is car racing chemistry grad student. And I don't race enough to warrant an entire blog and NOBODY wants to hear about what I do everyday, I barely do and I'm living it. But I see the tiny light at the end of the tunnel but all that did was illuminate all the obstacles and hurdles I've yet to overcome. But at least I know there is an end now.

So basically, I'm blogging by Rob's #8, the blog is yours. And I can do whatever I want, whenever I want because it's mine. And that feels great. And I don't want a famous blog anyway, but I do like the way that looks in the header, and I really don't have enough time or skills to do a blog re-design, so we're sticking with the template used by thousands.

We should have a "Royal We" day, just like "Talk like a Pirate" Day (which is Sept. 19th and rapidly approaching). No one is allowed to use singular prepositions.
Query: Hey Seth, wanna go get an enema with us.
Response: We do not like enemas, thank you.
Wanna go to lunch?
Where are we going?
Taco Bell.
We ate at Taco Bell last night. We must'nt eat there again.

Yeesh, I'm opening up a spot on my 10 worst posts list for this steamer.


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