Thursday, June 23, 2005


We're the Grunka Lunkas!

Futurama reference.

Smoove, I never have tried V8 as a hangover cure, but I'm sure that would scare the aches right out of me. Please! No more V8, we'll be good! said Seth's innards.

Went to another talk this morning. 100% the opposite of what I hoped for. Crap, but I had some tea and OJ for breakfast, so it balanced out I suppose. We're gonna see if we can pull some lunch today. It's the last day of the conference and I think people will be pretty lax about who's eating what. And some attendees already left so we're really just eating their lunch. See, it's all in the rationalization.

And if anyone in Japan is reading this, keep an eye out for black backpacks with orange tiger paws on the back. They're the freebies given out and yes I want one. But I really want a polo more. I have enough baggage.

Why aren't there any Crazy Cat Men? Crazy Cat Ladies abound. Everyone knows of one or has at least one friend who knows one. What is it about women that they do this? I'm sure at the point where you have 30 cats, you're more of a zookeeper anyway and not really a pet owner. Maybe guys recognize this and stick with just 1 or 2 dogs since they need tons of attention anyway. I can't imagine 15-20 dogs all trying to get attention from one guy, that would degenerate into pure anarchy almost instantly. Maybe guys are different crazy. Beats me, but if anyone sees any crazy cat men, lemme know.

We had group meeting yesterday. Went well, but one girl trying to get her masters and wanted to start writing up so she can leave in Dec. got completely shut down. So it's looking like May for her, but I don't think her husband is getting out in Dec. either, so it's all good, as they say.

Smoove, Joan really enjoyed your fucktard of the week award, and strongly agrees with your decision.


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