Monday, February 14, 2005


Happy Valentine's Day!

Now go do the bidding of Hallmark and FTD and go buy flowers and cards! Crap, I need to get a card for Joan. At least Hallmark is on the way home.

Eh, not much really going on. Working on the chemical inventory for our lab cuz the safety Nazi is making everyone have one. Yes we need one, but I don't have the time or desire to do it right now.

I realized that with an air filter and some silicon tubing I can make a high flow air filter for my car for $100 instead of $200. But I still need $100.

Ebay charges $60 to sell a motorcycle. Mine is barely worth that, so I think I'm gonna bypass ebay on this one.

I did purchase some "new-to-me" tires and rims off of ebay. I currently have the stock steel wheels on the Focus now. They suck because they aren't strong. These new ones are and they are not $150 each like they would be from Ford.

Shipped my bass guitar to Connecticut this morning, so if you see a brown truck going up the east coast today, wave at my bass guitar.

I hate UPS' new slogan, "Think brown." It's just gross. Some people are into that, but not me. I don't wanna think brown.

Even though we're not going to Nawlin's for Spring Break, we are going to Orlando and then to Daytona to hang out with our friends from here for a few days, so at least it'll be cheaper. But I'm gonna miss eatin' Po'Boys and etoufee and jambalya.

I can't think or say jambalya without thinking about the Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" episode where Newman comes out, takes a big whiff of his order, says "Jambalaya!" and scampers off.

Some guy said that he wanted to buy my kayak with everything for $300 last week and I haven't heard back from him yet, so if anyone knows Ian Harkin, tell him to send me an email. I'll give him a good price.

I'll be doing my taxes this week after I make my contribution to my IRA. The retirement variety, not the militant kind.

My jacket smells. Not bad, but it still needs to be washed. I'll do that tonight.


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