Thursday, November 04, 2004


Only a little political

So I read Catt's post about what we, everyone, does now. So you voted. Good for you. But now those other people you voted for, senators and congressman, are your representatives in the House and Congress. And they vote on bills and such. And they vote how they think their constituents would want them to vote. So you need to let them know how you want them to vote.

I made the comment that it always felt hollow whenever I would email Congressman J. Gresham Barret, 3rd South Carolina District representative. But he, or his office, always does get back to me with a letter at the very least. Usually it's a "Thanks for letting me know how you feel" letter like this past one that I was supporting a graduate student tax break. Basically we would be able to write off $1,000 of living expenses on our taxes. Another was for medical marijuana. He wrote back and said that although we disagreed he wanted to thank me for writing him.

All these letters are on my fridge too. So come look if you don't believe me. So I guess it doesn't feel so hollow. But I still want to do more.

Do you believe that if you eat enough carrots you will turn orange? Joan said she had a roommate who only ate carrots and a couple of other things and she looked orange. I want to do this experiment myself but I don't want to have to eat carrots for every meal. Any volunteers? Come on, it's for science.


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