Thursday, October 07, 2004



Apparently there is a shortage of flu shots. Since I haven't gotten one in the past 4 years, I'm not too worried about it. And to the little kid or old person who got my shot, you're welcome and I hope it didn't hurt too much. And that it didn't give you the flu.

It still boggles my mind that to prevent you from getting a disease, i.e. flu, malaria, polio, etc. that they inject you with the virus in a small amount, so that your body recognizes it as a disease and attacks instantly. Of course you can still actually get sick from this "vaccination". In fact, I've heard that the malaria, or maybe cholera, vaccine is actually WORSE than the disease. Pretty sure it's malaria though.

Hopefully someone is working on something better than our current disease safeguards. Ever heard the conspiracy theory that they actually have cures for AIDS and cancer, but that it cures you, so the big money is in treating thoses diseases. I don't really believe it, but I wouldn't put it past them either.

Do you really need a flu shot?

So here's the article from, so you can see that I'm not creating a panic in the flu prone population of this country. But reassured you sickly folk, I'm doing my part by doing nothing.

Sickly People! Know Thine Enemy!

CDC's Influenza Page


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