Wednesday, October 13, 2004


No time, take home test tonight

I haven't mentioned it before but I'm on the Health Insurance Commitee here at Clemson Univ. Basically we're trying to collect info and whatnot to convince the administration that if we want to be a "Top 20 Public University" like they so desperately want, that they need to improve the grad student package, i.e. pay more, lower tuition, provide free health insurance, or at least cheaper health insurance. So we have a meeting today with some guy. I know his name but not what he does. So gotta look nice for that. Then I pick up a take home test at 5 pm. Then have a Student Senate meeting (I'm also a grad student senator) at 7:30 pm. Then I get to go finish my test, I'm assuming it'll take about 4 hours, but I have no idea.

So busy day, hope you all (that's the non contracted y'all) or you, if you prefer, enjoyed the dog pics. It's really easy to do.

Go to and then click on images. Or click here Google Images
And type in whatever you want a picture of. Anything at all. Maybe oompa loompa, maybe cake, maybe ice sculpture, whatever your heart and fingers desire. Then click on the link. Then click on the image at the top. Then copy the url and paste it in place of "whatever the url is"
Then hit the edit html button on your "create post" page of your blog. Then type in (img src="http://whatever the url is" /img) but with <> instead of parenthases and if the pic is not too big, up it pops and doesn't screw up anything.

And that's all I know about html.

And I guess someone hit the "next blog" button from this guy's blog. Check it out, he's an angry Canadian, apparently a proffesor, in Waterloo, Ontario, and he takes pictures of cars who are "reckless and uncourteous". Of course he's taking pictures of things while he drives, hmmmmm. Anyway it's pretty weird and funny and sad. And the truck at the top is doing 150 kph, that's about 93 mph. Hope he never drives in a big city down here. He would run out of camera memory real quick.

Angry Canadian in Waterloo, Ontario


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