Monday, October 11, 2004


Moment of Silence

The Man of Steel has passed. We'll miss you Christopher, and thank you for all your work for spinal cord research and excellent movies. He was 52.

And please keep this man's family in your thoughts:

Quadriplegic Serving 10-Day Sentence For First-Time Marijuana Charge Dies In DC Jail

October 7, 2004 - Washington, DC, USA

Washington, DC: A 27-year-old quadriplegic man sentenced to serve ten days in a Washington, DC jail on charges that he possessed a minor amount of marijuana died while in custody last week due to inadequate health care, including prison officials' failure to provide him with a ventilator.

The victim, Jonathan Magbie, had been paralyzed from the neck down since the age of four, was unable to breath on his own, and required nursing care 20 hours a day.

Magbie was sentenced to spend ten days in jail on September 20, 2004 after pleading guilty to one charge of marijuana possession. Though prosecutors had recommended probation, the judge in the case ordered Magbie to serve jail time - noting that the defendant had told pre-sentence investigators that he would continue using marijuana because it made him feel better.

Jonathan Magbie, dead at 27


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