Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Enough of that nonsense

Okay, no more drugs, sickness, or other stories.

Today I'm giving all my readers an intro into the world of Homestarrunner.

Homestar is a cartoon guy who is weird and naive. Strong Bad is a mean guy who is cynical and has a sidekick named the Cheat who squeaks to talk. And he has two brothers named Strong Mad and Strong Sad. There's a whole other cast of characters, but that's enough for today.

Strong Bad listens to Techno

Strong Bad draws Trogdor the Dragon and awesome theme song. Very 80's hair metal.

Strong Bad talks about Strong Mad's Cartoon be sure to click on Homestar's star on his shirt. He's the white guy with the blue hat.

Teen Girl Squad, Episode #1

That's enough time wasting goodness for now. Please enjoy. And I might have a real post later. And if you like the Teen Girl Squad short, then I suggest watching the other 6 episodes. They're pretty short. Enjoy.


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