Thursday, October 28, 2004


9:24 AM on Thurs.

That is by far the lamest title I've ever come up with. But I have nothing in my blogging head right now.

I realized last night that I have lots of work to do. The Health Insurance Committee is putting together a survey about what Clemson grad students want in the way of health insurance. Basically, do you want it cheap and mediocre or expensive and good. Or do you want a choice. Personally I love the choice idea. I rarely get sick and don't want the $1000 pharmacy benefit, unless they start prescribing me herb and I don't think health insurance covers that, even in CA. But Vader would know better than I about that.

And that comes out next Wed. after everyone gets back from Fall Break, like grad students go anywhere besides their office and lab. And this Friday, or tomorrow night at 7 pm, I get to take what will hopefully be my last qualifier and get to actually be recognized as a doctoral candidate. OH HAPPY DAYS! I need to get 1/2 point out of 3. I think I can do it. The topic is superacids.

And I also have my first seminar next Friday at 4 pm. This is the first of 3 talks that I have to give. This one is my research proposal talk. Basically it's where I share what I have been doing, why I've been doing it, why you should care, and what I plan on doing in the future.

So I'm mildly stressed right now. Stress does not do a body good, but it is one hell of a motivator.

Oh and I get to vote next Tues. WOOHOO! If only I knew who I was voting for. I keep flip flopping, yay political buzz words. I really want to vote for Nader, but I really want to see what would happen if I vote for Kerry. If I vote for Kerry, it will be the last time that I vote for "the lesser of two evils". I HATE that phrase. We should not be a two party system. This country isn't represented well enough by two people. So from next Wed. till eternity I will vote for who I want to vote for, no matter what anyone else says. And you should too.


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