Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I want to be influenced!

I like the media because I know it's biased and I can pick which side I want to be biased by. Therefore I watch CNN and not FoxNews. I watch MTV and not a right wing youth oriented channel, if that exists, Nickelodeon? Nope they're owned by MTV which is owned by Viacom. Anyone know of any right wing youth TV?

We were watching a little summary of both presidential candidates last night on MTV. Joan thought it was funny how biased it was. It was subtle but still biased. They kept repeating how Kerry took time out of his busy schedule to talk with them in person, and Bush was too busy. Little things like that.

Joan is probably going to vote for Bush. She still hasn't decided, but she thinks it's ok that he lied to America to get us to go to war, because America couldn't handle the truth that it's really a war fought for oil rights. And don't give me that, "We're helping the Iraqi people stuff." We are, yes, but why just the Iraqis? Why not the Sudanese people? They're being slaughtered by the hundreds by their own government against the non-Arab inhabitants of Sudan.

Sudan attacks racially based

If we're going to be the world police, we have to police the ENTIRE world, not just the countries that can give us something in return.

But I miss Playboy, it's so liberal and I love it. Even if you take away the nudie pictures, I would still read it cover to cover. But don't take out the pics Hef.

November is coming up soon. Very soon. But I still want other choices for president. How bout someone not rich and who didn't go to Yale? I vote for her.


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