Friday, September 17, 2004
Went over to a friend's house last night with some other chemistry grad students/nerds. We played Cranium, and Trivial Pursuit Genus 5. But he grilled some chicken and we made some wicked fajitas. And some Texans had some homemade salsa. Great and not that hot, and then it keeps getting hotter and hotter in your mouth. It was amazing. I like spicy things, but not Texas spicy.
Both good games as far as board games go, definitely can't touch Risk: The Game of World Domination or Monopoly, but not bad.
Cranium involves basically every other old party game like charades, pictionary, etc. But it's varied enough to be entertaining. Last time I played, one category was Copycat. They give you a famous person or character, and without saying names or places you have to get your team to guess who you are. I got Darth Vader oddly enough. And you have like 60 seconds to guess. Who couldn't get that? So I said "I lived long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I had two children but they were hidden from me. I fought one and cut off his hand, just like mine was cut off." Basically they got it after the first sentence but it was so much fun doing it I couldn't stop.
It's not that hard of a game, there is also spelling words backwards and word scrambles, but some questions are tricky.
And Trivial Pursuit kicks ass all day long. During high school and college, we would sit around and just read questions to each other, that's how cool we were. Had ladies knocking down our doors to get a piece.
But it was fun and I was living the High Life, not the green kind, the Miller kind. The champagne of beers. Damn right.
Going to NOPI Nationals in ATL, GA tomorrow and Sun. Gotta clean the house tonight so that Joan doesn't bitch at me about not doing my share around the house. But I need to anyway, the shower started talking to me this morning so I'm gonna get medieval on his ass with some Comet and a sponge.
So I'll have some car pics for yas on either Sat. night or Sun. night. Oh, and if anyone wants to go Sunday, I don't think Joan is gonna go, so we'll have an extra ticket. Any GA folks want it?
Both good games as far as board games go, definitely can't touch Risk: The Game of World Domination or Monopoly, but not bad.
Cranium involves basically every other old party game like charades, pictionary, etc. But it's varied enough to be entertaining. Last time I played, one category was Copycat. They give you a famous person or character, and without saying names or places you have to get your team to guess who you are. I got Darth Vader oddly enough. And you have like 60 seconds to guess. Who couldn't get that? So I said "I lived long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I had two children but they were hidden from me. I fought one and cut off his hand, just like mine was cut off." Basically they got it after the first sentence but it was so much fun doing it I couldn't stop.
It's not that hard of a game, there is also spelling words backwards and word scrambles, but some questions are tricky.
And Trivial Pursuit kicks ass all day long. During high school and college, we would sit around and just read questions to each other, that's how cool we were. Had ladies knocking down our doors to get a piece.
But it was fun and I was living the High Life, not the green kind, the Miller kind. The champagne of beers. Damn right.
Going to NOPI Nationals in ATL, GA tomorrow and Sun. Gotta clean the house tonight so that Joan doesn't bitch at me about not doing my share around the house. But I need to anyway, the shower started talking to me this morning so I'm gonna get medieval on his ass with some Comet and a sponge.
So I'll have some car pics for yas on either Sat. night or Sun. night. Oh, and if anyone wants to go Sunday, I don't think Joan is gonna go, so we'll have an extra ticket. Any GA folks want it?

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