Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Still no pictures

I'm still working on posting some pics from this weekend. I didn't have much luck last night, so I'm gonna try again. I think I'm gonna have to burn a CD and bring the pics to school cuz my internet at home is slow. It's DSL, but it's the slowest one Bellsouth offers. I'll figure something out.

Just so all my readers are kept interested here's a little story about stupid college kids.

There's a kid I know, we'll call him, Not Me. So Not Me and some friends are freshman and sitting in the dorm, bored cuz it's not like we're gonna do homework. Then we, I mean they, realize that Not Me's kick ass minivan has a windsheild spray nozzle that points sideways. It's the one on the right so it's in perfect position to spray on cars next to the van. Then they get the bright idea to start spraying people at stop lights. Hijinks ensue and it's fun for all, except for the poor suckers with their windows down, hehehehehe. Then they think, "What could make this better? How bout if we spray pee on the cars? That would be awesome." So a bottle is obtained and urine is deposited into said bottle. Then it's poured into the windshield washer bottle of Not Me's minivan. So we then go find our first victim. They didn't pick anyone with a window down cuz that would be pure evil, and they're not really that evil, just bored and stupid. I say stupid cuz karma indicates that they must be balanced in respect with the universe after all the spraying and pee spraying. Karma kicks in like a mofo cuz these dumbasses forgot that the OTHER spray nozzle is still pointed at their own windshield, so therefore for every person sprayed, they and their minivan of piss is sprayed simultaneously.

So yep, we stopped that right away, but not before urine had soaked into the engine bay and cooked the piss onto everything. My van smelled just like every awful disgusting bathroom, be it gas station, baseball game, subway, that anyone has ever been in. But I can't escape the pee. It follows me everywhere. This lasts about 24 hours and then I take it to my friend's house and THOUROUGHLY wash my pee stained minivan.

Yep, I'm stupid, but that's what mistakes are for. Making you feel retarded and being able to share this story with others for their enjoyment. Ahhhhh, college.


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