Thursday, August 12, 2004


Self preservation

So I was think about my quiz results. Fine, maybe I shouldn't have answered that I would rather see 10,000 people die instead of me, but there's 6 BILLION people on earth. I'm sure an independent review board could find 10,000 people that I am more valuable than. And as gross as that sounds, you all know it's true. I'm cynical, but just a little.

But at the same time I would sacrifice myself for even 1 person if I truly believed that they would help the world out. Einstein, Newton, Edison, I would all take a bullet for. But you would have to make a pretty strong case. Scott Peterson, nope, I'll see you in hell. So basically he killed his pregnant girlfriend to be with some other chick, and was lying to everyone? Wow, he makes a pretty good case for the death penalty.

I agree with the death penalty, but the justice system is awful and definitely needs an overhaul. Don't know how to fix it, but I know it needs fixing. I'm going to try my best and stay out of the judicial system.


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