Friday, August 20, 2004


Oh yeah

The other stupid story that Joan told me involved an individual from South Carolina. Feel free to laugh at this one all you want cuz he's an idiot.

So Greenville Tech officially started class on Aug. 18th, Wed. So Joan is sitting in class, minding her own business, when this kids walks in and asks if this is Bio 101 sect. 154. No, he is informed, this is sect. 151, and is asked when his class is. He said it's a Tues./Thurs. class, but he saw that classes started on the 18th, Wed. so he was CONFUSED. I'd say he's a little bit more than confused.

Joan told me that the kid actually sat in the class for 30 minutes, and then finally saw the wrong section number on the syllabus. What a freak, and not in the good way.

Both these stories shocked me as to how absent-minded (nice way to say completely stupid) people can be. I know people are stupid, but you never quite know how stupid until you hear stories like these.

I wish I had this blog up when I was teaching labs. It's so great being the first non-teacher instructor that the freshman get to interact with. I miss teaching labs, it's actually alot of fun, except for all the freakin grading. A full load of kids is about 60, 3 labs times 20 kids, so that is 60 4-5 page lab reports that must be graded in a timely fashion. And do research. And go to class. And do your own homework. And that is pretty much the first year of grad school at Clemson University, as well as many academic universities.

But now I'm starting my 4th year, and am getting paid by my advisor and not Clemson, so now my "job" is to do research and not teach. So I'm now a lab rat and I love it. Currently there is only 4 members of my advisor's group, a little on the small side, but I like the size of the group. And we have a post doc getting here on Monday. He's awesome. He's a fellow internet junkie, so I'll probably tell him about this blog. I think that will be okay.

Glad everyone and their families are doing good today. Big hugs all around!


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