Sunday, August 08, 2004


Aw, poor little modem

Sorry dial-up people for the photo intensive posts recently, but hey, you should have DSL. It's getting cheaper everyday. Mine's only $25/month. But it's ok if you don't, I still like you.

Okay, MAJOR disappointment. If you missed a gate, i.e. 2 cones about 6 feet apart that you have to drive in between, you received a "bogey" time of 90 seconds for your run, basically destroying all hopes of a good day.

For some reason, I always have my worst runs at the end of the day. I think I'm pushing too hard to try and end on a high note and mess up. I need to calm the poop down. But I missed a gate on the last run of the day. I had an experienced rally driver riding along, he was sick by the way, sliding and spraying sand EVERYWHERE, in his car, not mine however. So I get done with the run and he says, "You DNF'ed", did not finish. I am stunned; didn't even realize it. Up until that point I was kicking ass and takin names, but I shat the bed, and let myself and my car down. Basically, if I hadn't done that, I would've won my class by like 4 seconds. Instead got 6th. Moral of the story is "Consistency wins rallies." I learned this lesson the hard way. I hate doing that.


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