Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Hi, my name is Seth and I'm an addict

So Sloth compares blogging to a crack cocaine addiction. Personally I've never done the crack cuz "crack is wack." I'll venture a guess that she has also never done crack, but I don't really know.

Fine so I'm addicted, at least it's free ;o)

Ah I love free addictions, like blogging, surfing the internet, camping. Although camping is more of a hobby/pasttime than an addiction. I am also addicted to smelling things. No you sickos, not like that. I really do smell everything. I think it's subconcious. A friend of mine, a cop by the way, not that that makes him more or less cool, but he is, told me, actually mocked me because I smell EVERYTHING. I can't help it, it really is beyond my control. I smell rooms as I walk into them, or anything I'm entering, double entendre intended. I smell people alot, mostly women, cuz, well, they smell better. Mostly, but guys smell good too. This one dude that works in the building always wears CKone. I know it was a really common scent for the males in the early to mid 90's, but I've always liked it and it still smells good.

I tell my fiancee that she smells good, cuz she does. And she has an extensive perfume supply which always keeps me guessing. Yep I'm weird, but if you walked by I'd smell you too. I'm an indiscriminate smeller.

I actually had a roommate who has a complete lack of smell. It boggled my mind. I seriously couldn't live if I couldn't smell anything. I have so many memories connected to scents. It's proven that there is a strong link between scent and memory. Hmmmm, can't think of any offhand, but I swear I have some, but they're always triggered when I resmell a scent. Oh, and my nostrils are misshaped. One is larger than the other. I know that symmetry is prized among humans, but since they're facing down, I've never felt disadvantaged or inferior because of them.


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